2nd August ‘43

 Dearest Mother & Dad,

             Sure wish you could see us now.  You would get a big kick out of it.  We four are crowded about a small table trying to write.  We are staying busy here of late and I wish I could tell you more that would be of interest but I can’t.  You will have to hear about that from other sources.

             I guess you and Bobby Long have had some interesting conversations since he has returned to the states.  Be sure and tell me what he said and give him my address.  I got a letter yesterday from Bill Johnson and it was very interesting.  I have written him once and I’ll write him again as soon as I have another day off.  I got a letter also from Thelma and the letter from Maxine that you enclosed.  I wish you would give me her address so I could write her.

             Our work is getting very interesting now and I’ll probably be able to tell you a few things in the next few days.

             Barbara is still writing very regular and I appreciate it so much.  Letters are the only thing we have to connect us with the States other than a very poor short-wave set that we have.  I got another letter from Mary the other day and I am still in the dark as much as I ever was.  I wrote her a pretty straight-forward letter and told her to get on the ball. Hope it works.

            Well, Mom, must go to bed I have some very important work for tomorrow.  ‘Bye for now and don’t worry.  I am doing O.K. – Just remember me in your prayers.




(written on the side of the page by his mother)

Thelma don’t say anything about what Son says about Mary.  He doesn’t want us to mention it to outsiders.  You know how things go.

